Warranty protocol Marine

This warranty applies to DDCE Marine BG, DDCE Marine MD, DDCE Marine LT, DDCE Ventor and dineol Marine (marine structures only).

1.    Coverage and application of the warranty

The warranty applies to the models manufactured by Dinnteco Factory Gasteiz S.L. described in this document.

Dinnteco Factory Gasteiz S.L. U (hereinafter the manufacturer) undertakes to repair or replace the DDCE product described in this protocol (hereinafter the product) declared defective by a new one of equal value free of charge, if a manufacturing defect of the product is detected during the warranty period of two (2) or three (3) years, depending on the model (see point 2), from the date that the original protocol of commissioning of the product was made and provided that the annual maintenance of the product by a company approved by the manufacturer have been made. The costs of shipping, handling and packaging of the defective product must be paid initially by the customer, although they will be reimbursed by the manufacturer after verifying that the conditions for the repair or replacement of the defective product are met. 

The manufacturer will not repair or replace the defective product if it has been damaged by a cause that is environmental. Hail and salt are considered environmental causes. In the event of a direct lightning strike on the product, the manufacturer will replace the product with a new one. The manufacturer will also not repair or replace the defective product if it has been used for non-maritime use.

The manufacturer does not cover in any case the damages caused by lightning strikes on structures of the vessel, or strikes on structures external to the vessel, nor does it cover in any case the damages caused by surges or electromagnetic pulses derived from the indirect effects of lightning or other causes.

The end customer must address his request to repair or replace the defective product to the local or regional distributor of the manufacturer before the expiration of two or three years from the date of the protocol of commissioning of the defective product together with the proof of the protocol of commissioning of the product. The manufacturer will not entertain requests from end customers addressed directly to the manufacturer.

2.    Warranty Period

The products have a maximum warranty period of 3 years, with the exception of the DDCE Ventor model which will have a maximum warranty period of 2 years, if the requirements of point 3 of this protocol are met.

3.    Warranty Application

In order for the product warranty to apply, the following requirements must be met on a mandatory basis:

  1. Once the product has been installed, the "commissioning protocol" document must be completed and sent to the e-mail garantías@dinnteco.com. Once reviewed and approved by the warranty department, the product warranty certificate will be issued for a period of 2 or 3 years, depending on the model.
  2. Before the end of the first year of warranty, the product must be serviced and the dinnteco document "annual maintenance protocol" must be completed. Once completed, it should be sent to the e-mail garantías@dinnteco.com. If the process and document issued by the official distributor and/or customer is correct, the product warranty will remain in force. In case there is any incidence and/or deficiency of any characteristic in the process and/or in the document issued by the official distributor and/or customer, the warranty department of dinnteco will communicate it to the official distributor and/or customer (it will always be communicated to the entity to which the product was sold) within 10 days after the official maintenance document was received by the distributor and/or customer. In the event that these incidents and / or deficiencies are rectified, the product warranty will remain in force. Otherwise, the product warranty will be terminated from the date of communication of the product warranty cancellation by dinnteco to the distributor and/or customer. During the period of correction of potential incidents and/or deficiencies detected in the product warranty protocol, dinnteco may temporarily suspend the warranty of the product in question. In this case, the distributor and/or customer will be informed of the temporary suspension of the warranty of the product in question.  This maintenance process must be performed annually. The maximum warranty period is 2 or 3 years, depending on the model (1 year of start-up plus 1 or 2 years of mandatory annual maintenance).
  3. Mandatory annual maintenance must be performed within the last month of each annual period within the overall 2 or 3 year warranty period of the product. In case they are performed outside of each annual warranty period, the product will automatically lose the warranty from the day the annual warranty expired until the date the maintenance was performed and the warranty will be automatically activated again from the day the maintenance was performed until 2 years after installation (1st maintenance) or 3 years (case of 2nd maintenance). In case the mandatory maintenance is performed more than 1 year after the expiration of the annual warranty, the product will automatically lose the global warranty.


Example 1: if a product is installed on January 1st of year X and point 3.1 is fulfilled, the warranty will be issued until January 1st of year X+2 or 3. The mandatory annual maintenance must be carried out according to the points marked in the document "annual maintenance protocol" within the period December 1st - December 31st of year X (within the last month of the end of the warranty period). If point 3.2 is fulfilled, the product warranty will remain in force for the period from January 1st of year X+1 to January 1st of year X+2 or 3 and so on as long as point 3b is fulfilled each year until the maximum period of 2 or 3 years of product warranty (depending on the model) from January 1st of year X to January 1st of year X+2 or 3.

Example 2: if a product is installed on January 1st of year X and point 3.1 is fulfilled, the warranty will be issued until January 1st of year X+2 or 3. The mandatory annual maintenance must be performed according to the points marked in the document "annual maintenance protocol" within the period from December 1st to December 31st of year X (within the last month of the end of the warranty period). If the annual maintenance is performed, for example, outside the first year of the described warranty period of the product (this example is valid for the second year of maintenance), e.g. on February 14th of year X+1 and point 3b is fulfilled, the product warranty will remain in force for the period from February 14th of year X+1 to January 1st of year X+2 or 3, not being under warranty from January 1st of year X+1 to February 14th of year X+1 and so on as long as point 3 is fulfilled each year. 2 up to the maximum period of 2 or 3 years of product warranty which would be from January 1st of year X to January 1st of year X+2 or 3.

Example 3: If a product is installed on January 1 of year X and item 3.1 is fulfilled, the warranty will be issued until January 1 of year X+2 or 3. The mandatory annual maintenance must be performed according to the points marked in the document "annual maintenance protocol" within the period December 1 - December 31 of year X (within the last month of the end of the warranty period). If the annual maintenance is performed, for example, outside the first year of the described warranty period of the product and more than 1 year has passed since the end of this warranty period, i.e. the maintenance is performed on January 2 of year X+2 or later, in addition to being out of warranty from January 2 of year X+1 to January 1 of year X+2, the warranty will be lost for the following years and, therefore, definitively (this example only applies to products with 3 years of warranty). The same applies if something similar happens in the 2nd maintenance.

Failure to comply with points 3.1. and/or 3.2. will mean that the product is NOT under warranty and will exonerate Dinnteco Factory Gasteiz from any criminal, civil and / or economic liability arising from a defective product.

4.    Product Warranty Exclusions

  1. The PRODUCTS that do not comply with any of the points 3.1. and 3.2. of this document.
  2. The PRODUCTS installed that do not comply with any of the installation requirements described in the technical data sheets and/or Instruction Manual of the updated products (For example, resistance of the grounding must be less than 10 Ohms to be considered correct. The updated documents are available on Dinnteco's intranet and it is the distributor's responsibility to keep them up to date. Dinnteco will issue the product warranty also on those installed products whose earth resistance is higher than 10 Ohms, where such warranty will include the replacement of the product, only in the case of a product defect (e.g. product malfunction due to incorrect insulation test value of the product) exclusively if it comes from the appearance of defective parts and/or defective assembly of the product resulting from a manufacturing defect. In any case, the customer assumes that a product installed in conditions of resistance greater than 10 ohms can lose effectiveness and efficiency significantly and, therefore, Dinnteco is not responsible, in any case, the harmful effects and / or damage that may appear on the protected facilities and / or on the equipment itself. 
  3. The PRODUCTS sold and/or installed by distributors or installers not approved and/or authorized by Dinnteco Factory Gasteiz.
  4. The PRODUCTS that have suffered natural catastrophes, meteorological agents, blows, crushing, inadequate use during the transport or installation, vandalism or terrorist acts and in general causes not attributable to a defective product or with bad or null operation.
  5. The PRODUCTS that do not bear the corresponding official manufacturer's serial number.
  6. The PRODUCTS that have not been repaired, in its case, by personnel authorized by Dinnteco Factory Gasteiz or own personnel of Dinnteco Factory Gasteiz.
  7. The PRODUCTS whose failure is produced by an external component or accessory that affects the good operation or safe and/or stable and/or correct installation of the product.
  8. The PRODUCTS that have carried out the obligatory annual maintenance outside the period of annual guarantee inside the global one according to point 3.3. The loss of warranty may be partial (Example 2 point 3.3) or total (Example 3 point 3.3).
  9. The PRODUCTS that have exceeded their operating limit.
    1. The PRODUCTS may suffer permanent saturation under certain extreme working conditions. The PRODUCTS are certified under the conditions required by the standards described in their corresponding technical data sheet, but in nature conditions much more extreme than those tested in a laboratory may occur. In case of working conditions such that the PRODUCTS reach their permanent saturation limit and therefore suffer a permanent short circuit, the PRODUCT will act as a fuse absorbing part of the generated energy (coming from an electromagnetic pulse, ionized channel, direct lightning strike or ground induced overvoltage effects, etc.). In this case, the PRODUCT may be damaged to such an extent that it will no longer function properly (insulation resistance test at 1,000 Volts with a result of less than 10 Mohm) and may even be totally destroyed. In this case and that can be objectively evidenced (evident signs of short-circuit of the equipment with significant melting or loss of conductive and insulating material of the equipment), there may appear effects or incidents on the general infrastructure of the protected installation that, in any case, will be outside the warranty coverage of the product.


5.    Definition Defective product resulting from a manufacturing defect

Defective products shall be considered to be products resulting from a manufacturing defect:

  1. Those products that do not pass the electrical insulation test described in point 2 of the "annual maintenance protocol and/or in the product's instruction manual" and cannot be considered within point 5.4. - Product warranty
  2. Those products whose mechanical conditions are such (broken, disassembled) that they do not pass the electrical insulation test and cannot be considered within point 5.4. - Product warranty.
  3. Those products where there is evidence of broken parts and/or parts in bad condition that may influence its normal operation, even if the product passes the electrical insulation test, as long as they cannot be considered within point 5.4.- Product warranty.
  4. Those products that have been damaged due to incorrect handling during installation or maintenance, i.e. products with knocks or other defects that are not clearly due to their own activity and function, as well as all products that can be objectively demonstrated to have exceeded their operating limit (see point 4.9. - Product warranty), shall not be considered defective products derived from a manufacturing defect under this warranty.
  5. Those roducts installed and connected to grounding points with resistances greater than 10 ohms, whose potential damage or deterioration in the product comes from external short circuits, will not be considered defective products derived from a manufacturing defect under this warranty.
  6. All the effects of external fusions of conductive and insulating material that may appear in the different parts of which the products are composed shall not be considered defective products derived from a manufacturing defect under this warranty, since these effects are typical of their normal operation.